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Written by Adam Miller
By exercising caution in our everyday decisions, we can help reduce fire hazards in our home or apartment.

From a young age we're taught the many dangers of fires, and how to protect ourselves if we're ever near a fire. Unfortunately, as adults we can sometimes forget to use caution around fire, or we may be unaware of hidden fire dangers in our homes or apartments. To help protect your family, home and possessions, we're going to look at personal fire hazards and property fire hazards so you and your loved ones can stay safe.

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Written by Adam Miller
Businesses can easily be impacted by life events, so be sure to have quality business insurance in place when unexpected events occur.

In our previous blog posts, we looked at the many life events that occur that require the need to increase or amend insurance coverage. Our first blog post discussed the more common personal life events that create a need for additional property insurance, such as marriage, buying a home, or even divorce.

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Written by Adam Miller
Life changes such as buying a home, getting married, or starting a family, are all great opporunities to review and adjust your insurance coverage.

As adults, we often experience a variety of major changes in life, including marriage, starting a family, buying a home, a death in the family, opening up a business, or even divorce. When life changes happen, there are usually adjustments and financial decisions to be made, but insurance coverage is often not reviewed and adjusted to reflect these changes. Assessing life changes and adjusting insurance coverage is a simple but important part of protecting assets and financial stability for the future.

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Written by Adam Miller
InsurTexas can help homeowners and business owners make plans to minimize the impact of disasters such as theft, fire or floods.

If you watch the local or national news for even just 5 minutes, you're bombarded with images of disasters or tragic events here in Houston, across the U.S. or overseas. In our turbulent world disasters can strike at any time, from home burglaries, mudslides, apartment fires, plane crashes, car accidents and more. We can't always avoid the dangers that exist in this world, but we can do our part to minimize their impact in our lives, and in the lives of our loved ones.

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Written by Adam Miller
Before hitting the open road, protect your RV, yourself and your passengers with affordable, quality RV Insurance from InsurTexas.

As one the largest states in the country, Texas offers a wide variety of scenic landscapes and fun travel destinations within driving distance. For this reason, thousands of people each year decide to travel throughout Texas in Recreational Vehicles, such as motorhomes, camper vans, and travel trailers so they can enjoy the beauty of a road trip, but with the convenience of a bed, kitchen and other amenities.

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Written by Adam Miller

As warmer weather makes it way back to Houston, many boat and watercraft owners begin preparing for fishing and sailing in the Gulf Coast and area lakes. Preparation will often include routine maintenance on their engines, fishing equipment, safety gear, sails or other equipment. One important preparation that should never be overlooked by boat and watercraft owners is ensuring that they are fully protected with Watercraft Insurance. Not having Watercraft Insurance coverage for watercraft vehicles can leave owners adrift if disaster strikes.

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Written by Adam Miller
Quality insurance coverage from InsurTexas will help protect you, your loved ones and your assets from the aftermath of icy weather.

Houston recently experienced another blast of icy weather, leaving many trees covered in ice, and thousands of homes and businesses without power. Although the city escaped with minor damage, the effects of the icy weather can be lasting and financially devastating for businesses and homeowners. However, there are important proactive steps property owners can take now to ensure their personal safety and assets are well protected even after icy weather.

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Written by Adam Miller
Personal Umbrella protection from InsurTexas can help policyowners get an extra level of coverage from major accidents and asset protection in the event of a legal judgment.

In the last few decades, there has been a staggering increase in safety improvements, resulting in safer homes, vehicles, baby gear, product packaging, food production, construction, toys, tools, and more. Although we live in a much more safety-conscious world, the reality is that accidents still happen at home and on the road. Accidents that occur in our lifetime are often minor ones, but there is always the possibility of a major accident that can cause devastation physically, emotionally and financially.

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Written by Adam Miller
Start the new year off by protecting finances and assets with the help of quality insurance coverage from InsurTexas.

The beginning of a new year is a wonderful opportunity to take stock of one's current financial situation and make goals to improve financial health and save for the future. By making wise financial goals and decisions now, people can be better prepared for the immediate and long-term future, and protect their assets and finances for themselves and their loved ones.

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Written by Adam Miller
InsurTexas can help individuals get quality insurance coverage for new exercise equipment, home renovations or additions to your home in time to start your new year off healthier.

As a new year begins, many people begin making personal resolutions that often involve changing some aspect of their life, such as losing weight, spending more time with family, starting an exercise program, reading more books or watching less TV. Developing proactive personal resolutions for a new year can make a significant impact on both your short-term and long-term health, so it's important to make these resolutions realistic, attainable and goal-oriented.

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